ITIC APAC 2023 | Assistance challenges and solutions: Cruise assistance and repatriation options

Cruise lawyer Victoria Roy presented to an audience of travel insurance industry peers at ITIC APAC’s 2023 conference in June 2023.

Victoria gave her perspectives on cruise assistance and repatriation options, focusing on her specialist area of third party liability claims for cruise accidents.

In the session Victoria highlighted why travel insurers and emergency assistance providers are in an excellent position to educate and help injured cruise passengers following cruise ship accidents. She explained how a working knowledge of cruise accident compensation claims not only gives travel insurers a customer service edge but can also lead to recovery on claims.
Victoria explained how cruise accident compensation claims work, and what to look for when assessing whether an injured cruise passenger customer might have a claim.

The audio recording is now available for free on demand thanks to ITIC APAC.
The session is a must for travel insurers, especially customer facing claims staff and staff working in recoveries.

Travellers’ rights: why are Australian consumers grounded while other jurisdictions reach new heights?

Victoria Roy of Victory Travel & Cruise Lawyers presented a travel law seminar on travellers’ rights at the Australian Lawyers Alliance NSW State Conference in March 2023.

Victoria examined pro-consumer legislation that travellers benefit from in jurisdictions such as the UK and European Union and asked, why is Australia so far behind?

In this session Victoria educated delegates on:

  • Foreign flight delay compensation schemes
  • Liability of third party service providers under EU and Australian law
  • The EU approach to psychiatric injury as ‘bodily injury’ Montreal Convention compared to Australian law

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